Small & Medium Enterprise Insurance

We specialise in meeting the insurance needs of all small to medium sized businesses. Our policies are designed to offer straightforward solutions delivering maximum protection & convenience to you.

 Accidental Loss Damage or Destruction Cover

The policy will provide cover for Accidental Loss Damage or Destruction of the Property Insured unless otherwise excluded by the Policy. Cover includes loss or damage following fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft or other aerial devices  or objects or articles dropped therefrom, riot strike, malicious act of any person, hurricane, cyclone, tornado or windstorm, storm, tempest, hail, bursting or overflowing of water tanks apparatus or pipes and flood, impact by any mechanically propelled vehicle, horses or cattle, falling television and radio aerials and masts, earthquake, volcanic eruption, oil escaping from a fixed heating installation or apparatus connected therewith, theft or attempt thereat involving violent entry or exit from the Premises and accidental damage to the plate glass at your premises.

 Business Interruption Cover

The policy aims to provide indemnity for loss of profits or income that you might sustain following an interruption of the business or interference therewith as a consequence of a loss which is covered under the Accidental Loss Damage or Destruction Cover.

 Public Liability Cover

The policy will provide cover against legal liability arising from the business and which you may become liable to pay in respect of accidental bodily injury or accidental property damage sustained by third parties 

Employers’ Liability Cover
The policy will provide cover against legal liability which you may become liable to pay in respect of bodily injury sustained by your employees and arising out of and during the course of their employment 

Money Cover
The policy will provide cover for loss of money from your premises, whether open or closed for business, or while in direct transit from your business premises to the bank. Cover is also available for any money whilst held in an approved safe, or while it is being held in a bank night safe 

Machinery Breakdown Cover
The policy is aimed at providing cover for a number of different types of machinery and plant whilst these are at work or at rest or whilst being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning or overhauling against sudden and unforeseen loss or damage in a manner necessitating their repair or replacement. The Machinery Breakdown policy supplements the cover already granted under the Accidental Loss Damage or Destruction Cover 

Deterioration of Stocks Cover
The policy is designed as a cover against deterioration of stock in cold storage due to a breakdown of the refrigerating plant / machinery or accidental failure of electrical supply which under certain conditions can cause the rise or fall in temperature or allow unforeseen escape of refrigerant gas 

This policy requires that the Machinery Breakdown section is in force at all times 

Personal Accident Covers
The policy provides the insured person/s with specific benefits in the event of accidental death or disability (both permanent and temporary) following an accident. The policy will also cover medical expenses following a valid claim under the policy


The policy can be extended further to include cover for Electronic Equipment derangement cover, Fidelity Guarantee, Goods in Transit amongst others.


You may obtain a Small & Medium Enterprise Insurance quotation by following this link: I want an SME quotation