Elmo Backs Artie In Rolex Middle Sea Race 2023

We recently had the privilege of meeting Lee Satariano, the owner and skipper of Artie, to gain insights into the preparations leading up to the prestigious Rolex Middle Sea Race – an annual highlight on Malta's yachting calendar.

 Our discussion with Lee unveiled a few key elements that underpin a stellar crew performance: teamwork, unified efforts in the run-up to the big race, and a steadfast commitment to safety and well-being through meticulous precautionary measures.

 The Artie crew exemplifies the spirit of unity and collaboration, demonstrating that they are all working harmoniously toward their shared goal.

Just like them, at Elmo, we recognize the significance of such teamwork. Each member of our team plays a vital role in navigating the challenges ahead and ensuring a safe return to port, regardless of the conditions we face.

 In the words of an old adage, "If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together." This sentiment perfectly encapsulates our belief in the power of unity and collaboration.

 So here's to Team Artie!

 May the wind fill your sails as you race both swiftly and far, embarking on this incredible journey together.